Celebrate Fairtrade in Thornbury 11th May 2024 – 10pm to 3pm

Fairtrade stands for equitable pricing, safe labor conditions, sustainable practices, and just trading terms for farmers and workers. Products bearing the Fairtrade mark adhere to these rigorous standards. While many associate Fairtrade primarily with bananas, chocolate, and coffee, the range of certified products has expanded over the past 30 years to encompass items like flowers, gold, tea, and cotton.

As a designated Fairtrade Town, Thornbury proudly embraces these values. On May 11th, we invite you to join us in celebrating International Fairtrade Day at St. Mary Shopping Centre. This event aims to showcase the availability of Fairtrade products within Thornbury. Visitors can enjoy sampling sessions, engage in a fun blind-tasting challenge, and immerse themselves in music and short films highlighting the journeys of farmers and growers, along with the obstacles they overcome.

Stop by to discover how you can support local businesses while making a global impact. Your choices here in Thornbury can contribute to transforming the lives of individuals across the globe. Let's shop consciously and empower communities together.